How to protect your computer from virus
has become the busiest platform since its inception till now. Everyday
billions of users browse their queries, chat on social media, run online
businesses, play online games, download
their favorite movies and GOD knows what else. Name anything, and
artificially intelligent search engines out there will bring you a
thousand answers in response to the query you mentioned.
bleak reality, with which most of the users, are unaware of yet, is the
fact, that internet is a platform, controlled by no one. By “no one”,
we literally mean no one. Here at this point, let’s put forward another
reality bomb which says, the moment you get connected to the outside
world through internet, the moment onwards, with every passing moment
your system is vulnerable and exposed to viruses, threats, malicious
content, key loggers and various other phishing injections that remain
undetected even if they enter your system while you are enjoying an
online game with your friend and who knows there is a bad script running
behind the game and it gets downloaded
due to a loophole in the web browser configuration. There you have it,
you switch on your system the next morning and find your system with
corrupted operating system.
Realted post: What is computer virus?
much thought been put into, various tech experts took the initiative
and introduced the measures on how to protect your computer, how to
secure your system from malicious threats, and how to raise a shield
against hacks and other encrypted injections that are a potential threat
to today’s systems.
According to statistics published in a 2011
Norton Cyber Crime Report, there were 431 million victims of
cyber-crime across the globe who lost a huge cumulative sum of $388
The cause of such exponential rise in cyber-crime
is attributed to more towards the loopholes, knowingly left by our
user, rather than the hacker or malicious developer who tends to breach
your system’s security using viruses.
article will provide an insight to our user, who keeps on browsing the
internet without caring less about what can be the consequences of
clicking a popup-add, opening a spam email, downloading a negatively reviewed torrent
and most importantly, the developer who claim their schedule to be
tight enough that they don’t even care what plug-in are they installing
and what extra patches it entails? Points discussed below, will clear
out many conceptions and we hope you will get enough know-how about
computer security.
Use Secure Operating System
best precautionary measure, one can ever take in order to secure a
computer is to use already secured operating system like Linux and Mac.
Both of these operating systems come in various flavors and you are free
to choose between any of the choices from the list of versions. A piece
of advice here would be, try to go for the second last version of these
operating systems as they are stable in nature and bug-free.
Use Anti-Virus Programs
case you are using an un-secured operating system, for instance Windows
or Android, try to monitor your operating system by installing an
anti-virus program available free of cost all over the internet while
the C.Ds and D.V.Ds are not available free of cost, if you have no any
internet connection. A notion here is quite intriguing as it stands by
the claim that anti-viruses are the programs developed by those, who
were themselves hackers once. Despite every claim that comes forward,
anti-viruses are a great precautionary measures and have proved
themselves in case where protection of a computer system is concerned.
Never Click on Spammed Emails
contribute a lot in virus and malware propagation. Sometimes while
browsing, it is most likely that you come open a page where they ask to
submit your email for further subscription. Never ever submit your email
on unknown platforms unless or until you are one hundred percent sure
that this is actually the content you have searched for. Emails are
collected through such tricks and then, provided to a programmed bot
whose task is to disseminate a malicious executable file to all the email addresses in the log file.
Novice users most probably open such emails and by the moment they
realize it contained nothing important, there system’s security has
already been compromised.
Customize Your Web Browser
hardest task one can ever do is to restrict oneself from the charms
that external plug-ins and activeX controls entail. With the extensions
like Java, JavaX and activeX enabled, your web browser is vulnerable to
seventy percent of the threats by allowing those potentially malicious
viruses which propagate faster using Java Based Platforms. With the fact
already known that almost 30 billion devices on this planet runs with
the help of Java, malicious content developers have find these devices
as a soft target for them and that’s the reason why viruses have become
so common. Adding more to it, don’t let your browser open any external
program like Microsoft Word or Excel. Also restrict your browser to call any external protocols by denying such calls from the operating systems.
Parents Role
young generation is more technology oriented than our parents. Now a
days, kids learn their nursery rhymes and a,b,c pronunciation, not from
the melodious and ear warming tone of their mothers, but from YouTube
and Dailymotion instead. Kids have no idea what to click and where to click, they are likely to select and install
any program that comes in front of the screen. Parents are advised to
take control on the activities of their children and keep a strict eye
on what they do over the internet in order to avoid the situation where
you have to cry over spilt milk.
Consider a situation where you are using a secured operating system, with no any internet connection. Now in such a scenario, you are quite safe but you are no more than a freak. Because today’s world is a world of technology and for those who still want to remain conventional, will be eradicated from the changing dynamics of technology. So it’s better toprotect your systems from malware and keep your privacy secured
while enjoying the charms of the day, remain proactive and face the challenges rather than keeping yourself in a dark whole of unawareness.