Tangaza Nasi Sasa

Components of a computer system

Computer System is more than just a Computer.

It is a combination of“components working together to perform a specific task”. When these components are attached to the Central Processing Unit than a user can perform task, from playing movies, listening to songs, playing games, preparing your assignments in MS word, or browsing the internet. We call these components asInput and Output Devices. Without these input / output devices, a computer is just a dumb machine that can't operate effectively and efficiently to perform a specific task. But before discussing the various components of a Computer System, i-e the input / output devices and storage devices,In this article, we are going to discuss the input / output devices of a computer system. Here is the basic idea of input and output devices and how they are different from one another.

Difference between Input and Output Devices

Input Devices

An input device feeds data to the computer system for processing. Read More.....

Output Devices

Output devices displays the processed form of data to the end user. Read More....
